Monday, June 28, 2004


Pass the Advil

Yesterday morning was spectacular. I did 31 miles in Central Park starting at 5:45 a.m. This included 4 laps around the park (6 miles each) and 7 additional 1-mile loops around the north hill (the hardest part of the park, by far).

I felt very strong throughout and barely sweated because the weather was so mild, milder, in fact than predicted. (In fact, I thought it was funny that I sweated much more dancing at a friend's wedding last night). I started to feel a little fatigue in my thighs only during the last climb at the Museum hill on the East Side, my very last mile.

I'm still much slower than I want to be (average speed, 14 mph) but, all in all, I was very pleased with the ride and where I'm 'holding' right now with a little less than four months to go.

When I train for events like this like this I tend to consume mass quantities of Advil. Not a terrible price to pay since it doesn't seem to bother my stomach.

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