Monday, July 12, 2004


It's Not the Humidity, It's the Heat

I knocked off 42 miles in Central Park yesterday morning, 7 laps of the outer roadway. My average speed was 16.4 mph, almost half as fast as Lance.

One of my main concerns about my bike tour in Israel is the heat. The temperature during yesterday's ride ranged from about 74 degrees when I started to about 80 when I finished. I was fine while riding because the self generated wind kept me reasonably cool. However, when I stopped (which I did for ten minutes after completing 30 miles), I really felt overheated. I was drinking constantly (I use a Camelbak that holds 70 ounces of liquid) yet when I stopped I felt as though my body temperature had risen dramatically. This despite the fact that the ride around Central Park is almost totally in the shade.

I'm not sure what the temperatures are expected to be in late October in the Negev but I suspect that they will be pretty high. Also, I can't be expected to ride as fast (and generate wind) because we will mostly be climbing. Finally, we will be exposed to the dessert sun where there will be virtually no shade during the entire ride.

I don't do well in heat. I'm worried.

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